Negative Effects Of Drain Blockage

Owning a home comes with many responsibilities not only financial but also maintenance. Lack of maintenance causes many household issues. One serious issue is drain blockages. Most homeowners are unaware of such a household issue thereby they will not be able to prevent it. But drain blockages could lead to many negative consequences therefore it is best that all homeowners prevent such an issue. Many causes of drain blockages are natural or deeper therefore impossible to avoid. But homeowners can reduce such risks by regularly maintaining all the drainage related systems on the washroom and kitchen as well as reduce the disposable of items such as toys and non perishable items in to the pipes. In order to show the importance of avoiding drain blockages here are some of the common negative consequences of it.


Washrooms and kitchen are areas in the home used in order to clean ourselves as well as the household utensils. But the problem arises when the drains through which all these dirty water passes through become clogged. Blocked drains Cardiff do not allow the waste water to pass and these collected water begins to release a bad odour through toilets or kitchen sinks. This odour doesn’t remain near the source but it spreads throughout the entire home and causes difficulties to the residents. A bad odour can never be escaped unless the issue is fixed.


All the waste water collected in the drains are filled with germs and harmful particles. When this water remains stagnant for a long period of time germs and bacteria begins to spread around the surroundings which is the home. The spread of germs and bacteria may cause various health issues t the residents. Bad odour could cause allergies and breathing problems. It could worsen the condition of patients with asthma and other breathing difficulties. Stagnant waste water could also cause severe risks to young children as well as the elderly since their body systems aren’t strong enough to fight the bacteria and germs in the air. Therefore whenever such an issue arises in the household homeowners must immediately hire an trusted emergency plumber to analyse the issue and fix it. Thanks to modern advancements in plumbing the issue can be usually fixed within a short period of time.


Waste water contains many harmful particles not only disastrous for the human health but also for he structure of the home. Stagnant water can cause damages to the surrounding areas and weaken the walls. If left as it is for a long time the water will soak the walls and cause flooding.